Re: [Salon] Germany Blocks NATO Ally From Transferring Weapons to Ukraine

It’s heartening to know there is a sliver of sanity left in Europe and a willingness to resist US insistence that all of Europe become co-belligerents in the “hybrid war” we began to wage as aggressive war against Russia more than a decade ago as far back as the 1990s, following the PNAC Plan. In all the descriptions I have read to include on this email list oftentimes, the Ukrainian government is always portrayed as passive innocents, as it they’re the “Peace Camp” of Europe, even though they include out and out fascists and allied themselves with the most extreme of US militarists like Victoria Nuland and her Kagan family, co-conspirators to wage aggressive US war these last three decades, around the world. The Russians are smart enough to recognize early phases of aggressive war that we are waging, having been victims of it themselves as well as having used the same in their past as the Soviet Union. But since the 1990s, our militarists asserted monopoly rights over despotic practices like torture, wars of aggression, and totalitarian style surveillance of the world. 

Yet we bleat like sheep being attacked by any sign of dissent to our despotic policies from our proposed victims, and call for a military response designed to kill at least numbers in the hundreds of thousands human beings like we did in the Mideast, and now "pivoted to Asia” for our next victims. And we all rally around the flag, just like in 2003 as we’re the “Exceptional Nation,” our code for what others would recognize as a fascist style foreign policy. We were told the US wars wouldn’t end even after the first 7 targets as PNAC called for were annihilated ( and no one objected effectively. And now we’ve moved into the next phase of the global war of pacification and mopping up operation called for by the Cheney Doctrine, and still no one objects. Similar to how the Germans and Japanese populations didn’t object to their aggressions, until their catastrophic consequences became undeniable, just as ours are becoming ever more evident to anyone who can yet see. Where is the opposition to our next, imminent war, which we’re on the precipice of? 

Clausewitz wrote that the first, and most important, thing to know of any proposed war  is its "nature.” And that’s what we refuse to see in our wars, which explains why we lose them repeatedly though leaving wastelands in our wake: the nature of our wars is as wars of aggression, as Dan Ellsberg came to know of Vietnam. Now we intend to make Eastern Europe a wasteland by initiating hostilities with Russia with calumnious accusations. A WMD accusation equivalent. And only the Germans are astute enough to see that, as the French government once was before the Iraq War, whom the Republicans then mocked and set about neutralizing just as we will work to neutralize German for their effrontery. 

On Jan 21, 2022, at 5:25 PM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

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